Tips For Effective Mosquito Control

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Tips For Effective Mosquito Control


Mosquitoes are one of the most important trouble-causing insects that bug us and make us ill. They use their sting to bite us – by using the small tip of their mouths, they suck our blood and inject their saliva in the bloodstream, leaving an itchy skin and a fair chance of catching a dangerous condition.

Here are a few tips on mosquito control that might prevent these vicious insects from terrorizing your yard when your kids are playing or even when you are trying to enjoy a nice evening in summer or fall.

1). Check your whole yard for areas where mosquitoes might breed: empty containers such as bottles, buckets, watering buckets, dog dishes, and birdbath.

2). Check out any pool or lake you have: these are perfect breeding zones for mosquitoes. If you have fish, then you should be OK because they will likely swallows up all the larvae.

3). Make sure your roof guttering is clear and not blocked with vegetation, and also check downpipes to ensure that they run free and there are no areas of stagnant water around the drains.

4). Check your shed for leaks: mosquitoes can lay eggs in small pools of water inside leaking sheds.

5). Don’t ignore the fountain! Numerous people with a fountain tend to turn it off in late summer season, early fall, and that is when mosquito can lay their eggs in the still water.

For effective mosquito control, you need the help of an experienced and professional pest control service. Visit our website today to learn more!